
Something Extra Just for Fun

Some humorous thoughts about the sign making trade in general, tips about purchasing signs, and Something Extra.

This section of the site is as much for me as it is for you.  It is where I publish little gems that I have conjured up over the years and interesting things that I hope you find helpful and maybe entertaining.

 Considering all of the materials, techniques, a variety of signage, and what is currently popular, there are many subjects to write about in these pages.  There are also many other sources of good information about how to make all kinds of different signs.

Wait, What?

There was a time when I could go through a local town and pretty much be able to tell you who painted or carved what signs because each sign maker had his own style.  It was a signature of sorts.

 Also, I used the pronoun “he” because, unlike today, there were very few women in the local shops except in the office doing clerical work.  Now there are many women making signs and I think we are better as tradesmen because of it.

 But I digress.  This section has articles about what I call Randall’s Rules of Sign Making.  These articles (or pages) are about tips that I would like to pass along to novice sign makers that I learned the hard way during my career as a sign contractor.

I started Service Work at a very early age.

These articles are not intended to be the “Final Authority” on conducting a sign business or even a map to show you the way forward.  But I do hope that you will find them, and their lessons learned entertaining and, hopefully, they will make you smile.

 Also included in this section are Tips, Tricks, and Jigs that I have accumulated over many years.  These may help make your work easier or you may know of a way to improve upon them.  If so, please contact me and allow me to give you credit for the idea. I can add to these pages the information with Your Tips and Tricks. 


You Can and Will Effect the Visual Environment as a Sign Maker or a Business Enterprise who has a Sign.

There are literally more than a million web sites being generated from all over the world about making signs and what materials to use or to specify for your sign designs.  Many of them will have information similar to what I will post on this site.  I get it.

 This section will be unique to my own idle thoughts and  “Ah-ha” moments many of which came to me in the middle of the night when I was awakened concerned about a particular fabrication job, or installation that may be challenging, or worried about cash flow or other business-related issues.

 One thing I am pretty sure about, once you’ve been in  or around the sign business for a while, you will not be able to drive through any commercial area without taking notice of the various signs and their effect on the visual environment.


Cuba, Missouri, Bob's Gasoline Alley on Route 66. Vintage collection of Service Station Signs.

Being compelled to notice signs may be a Sign Maker's curse.  But it is a curse that I cherish because it has made me a better sign maker. I truly hope you will enjoy this and other sections of the SignMakerSolutions web site.  I also hope that regardless of your sign making experience, you will enjoy Something Extra.

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