
You want to Make a Sign or Buy a Sign?

I can help you with that. 

These are some of the tools that were used when I started making signs.

 I really like making signs.  It's also the reason I am creating this site.  I hope I can help people understand what in involved in making a professional quality sign.

Over 50 years ago I was a young sign maker who had many questions too.  There were no schools or courses available to me that taught how to make signs.

I did receive some basic instruction from my  father and grandfather.  But the main method of learning this trade craft of sign making was trial and frequent error.  That method is time consuming and expensive.

The result, as you can probably guess, was that I had to redo many of my  attempts.

Great Signs = Practice + Knowledge

As time went on, I got better and better with practice painting signs, wood carving, and guilding.

This was in the mid-1960s and computers (CNC) were not commonly used to make signs yet.  Everything was done by hand.

After college and military service I returned work with my father.  I also learned fabrication of electric signs both neon and fluorescent .  In 1980 I became an electric sign contractor. 

Solutions to questions about making signs

As persons new to the sign industry or as persons buying signs for your business of even as crafters wanting to make your own sign, I think you may have questions about the actual making of the sign. 

I think that I can provide many answers to questions you might have about how to make signs.  However,  I don't know it all concerning details of signmaking.  

Even though I have many years experience sign making, there are always new design ideas, techniques to learn, materials to use, and types of signs to make.

An example would be the arrival of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in 1990.  It is seeking to make public spaces accessible for more people who have vision or mobility limitations.

But more about that later.  Also you can find more about my experience and my qualifications on the about page.

This laser is one of the tools I use now to Make Signs.

The Plan

I plan to write many more pages on design, fabrication, installation, materials, tips & jigs, software reviews, equipment reviews, safety, outsourcing and sign business operations.

All of these pages will have helpful information about how to make and install signs.  A question and answer form will be added to each section page.

With your permission, I will tag Q & A as well as other suggestions and observations you might make with your name and organization.

A monthly newsletter will have some responses included to questions you may submit using my contact information.  Also, current topics relating to industry concerns will be included in the newsletter.

Your Participation in this Site

Your participation in this site via questions, suggestions, and concerns will greatly enhance the site and allow me to write on topics of interest to you. 

If I don't know the answer to your question, I will try to research it so we both can learn more about the trade.

Please use the sign up form for the newsletter.

I  will read it when I write it.  So, it would be nice if someone else read it as well.  

Social Media

I do plan to become more active on social media and participate in sign industry forums.  More to come about that later.  Please look around the site and make yourself at home.  Look at the Something Extra pages for topics you might find entertaining.